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Disclaimer: The pictures featured on this page belong to their respective owners. THE PICTURES and Content ARE NOT MINE unless stated otherwise, If you see your picture featured and don't want it to be, email me with the link and i will take it down. Posted by Kavaroca Design Kahuna at kavaroca.blogspot.com
Disclaimer: The pictures featured on this page belong to their respective owners. THE PICTURES and Content ARE NOT MINE unless stated otherwise, If you see your picture featured and don't want it to be, email me with the link and i will take it down. Posted by Kavaroca Design Kahuna at kavaroca.blogspot.com
Detector de llamas; Mi tarea consiste en observar las llamas que brillan entre las tinieblas del salvajismo, las llamas que indican la presencia de seres inteligentes y sensibles; observo su ruta, sus luchas y su agonia y sacarlos de allí cuando comprendieron que ya han visto suficiente.
-Jhon Galt - Ayn Rand -
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